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一階 和室13.5帖 和室9帖  二階 和室8帖 洋寝室(ツインルーム) 浴室ひのき風呂(沸かし湯)京の宮大工の技が生きる床の間には、穐月明氏の「鉢中の天」の額、墨彩に映える辰砂の香炉。 ここは風趣に富んだやすらぎの空間である。 庭は、山々の陵線を借景に、せせらぎの音が心地よく響き、 時折聞こえてくるのは旅情を潤す鳥の囀り

The exquisite alcove represents the craftsmanship of the ancient master carpenters of Kyoto. It features a framed sumi-e ink painting by Akizuki Akira and a cinnabar incense burner. All combine to create a relaxing space filled with subtlety and sophistication. The garden is set against a mountain backdrop and has flowing water to soothe the spirit. The sporadic twittering of birds may be a sentimental companion.


一階 和室13.5帖 和室7.5帖 二階 和室11帖 和室8帖 浴室ひのき風呂(沸かし湯)玄関の引き戸を開けたときの心憎い演出・・・。 ゆったりとした空間に井戸をしらえ飛び石を配した風情。 懐かしき日本への郷愁にも似た思いを呼び起こす。 二階より一階へと迎えば玄関先では聞こえなかった水の音が聞こえ、もてなしの香が薫る。

Draw the sliding door to the entrance to reveal a spacious room presented in exquisite taste. The garden has a well and stepping stones, embodying a traditional Japanese scene untouched by time. Descending from the second floor, one hears the quiet murmuring of water for the first time and is greeted by welcoming scents.


一階 和室13.5帖 和室8帖 二階 和室8帖 寝室(ツインルーム) 浴室ひのき風呂(沸かし湯)穐月明氏の水墨「二躰仏」の微笑みと香炉からくる香に迎えられ旅の疲れをほぐす。ひと部屋ひと部屋に、さり気なく配された贅をこらした調度。表情豊かに石と流れを配した庭が絶景。

An ink painting by Akizuki Akira featuring the smiling Buddha welcomes guests to Ariake. One’s fatigue is alleviated by incense rising from an incense burner with an glazed camel motif. As if competing with the casual luxury of the furnishings in each room, the garden design featuring impressive stones and flowing water offers its own form of eloquence.


一階 和室13.5帖 和室10帖 二階 和室11帖 和室6帖 浴室ひのき風呂(沸かし湯)縁側に座して眺めれば一幅の絵画。 半水盧きっての美しさを誇る弥生の庭は、黄昏どきから趣を一変させる。 庭の端に灯る火があやなす木立の陰影が、奏でるのはまさに幽玄の調べ。邸外にはただただ幻想の世界がひろがるばかりとなる。

Gazing out upon the garden from the veranda is like viewing, or even being part of, a painting. Yayoi has the most sublime garden at Hanzuiryo, and it is further transformed in the evening twilight. The light from the corner lantern wafts through the trees and causes a visionary scene to unfold, making the world outside appears as if it is pure fantasy.


一階 和室12.5帖 和室8帖 二階 和室11帖 和室8帖 浴室ひのき風呂(沸かし湯)人が旅にもとめるのは魂の安らぎ。宿にもとめるのは真のくつろぎ。 土塀に埋め込まれた瓦から掛け軸などの調度まで一点一点吟味されつつ、決して華美ではない。 そんな心配りが息づくここは、佗びた山家を思わせる。

As every traveler seeks respite for the soul, an inn must offer true relaxation. Here, the artistic beauty is never in excess—whether in the tiles embedded in the earthen walls or the hanging scroll in the alcove, thoughtful attention is given to each and every detail. This simple atmosphere reminds one of a mountain chalet.


一階 和室16.55帖 和室7帖 二階 和室11帖 和室8帖 浴室ひのき風呂(沸かし湯)せまる裏山の緑を背景に、景石を大地より岩の一部がせり出したかのように配し、筧で引いた水を石の節理を利用して落とす。 広間には季節の美しさを表す几帳が配され、 贅をつくした料理を愛で美酒を交わす宴に華やぎをそえる。

With the green hills at the rear for background scenery, the garden features large stones arranged to appear to be protruding from the ground, and falling water drawn through a conduit placed along stone fissures. The large room is equipped with traditional curtain-screens for separating space through which the beauty of the seasons can be enjoyed. Excellent cuisine and quality sake served with meticulous care enliven every party.


一階 和室13.5帖 和室6帖 二階 和室8帖 寝室(ツインルーム) 浴室ひのき風呂(沸かし湯)もてなしの心の原点にして究極のかたち、茶事。 ここは茶室によって伝統に培われた真のくつろぎを提供する空間である。 もてなしもてなされる心をひとつの静寂の中に五感を解き放つ、 まさに至福の時間・・・。

The tea ceremony is the ultimate display of hospitality from the bottom of one’s heart. This space provides true relaxation through the traditional design of the tea room. Both the person serving the tea and the person being served share the same moment—a tranquility in which the senses can be liberated into bliss.


一階 大広間27帖 二階 和室10帖 和室8帖 浴室ひのき風呂(沸かし湯)池田方彩氏の作になる木彫書「萬物生々」の心にふれ、 座敷から庭、調度にいたるまで生命の輝くさまを演出する。 外には自然美、内には工芸美の贅をつくした空間で、 くりひろげる宴が華やかに心を満たす。

In line with a “calligraphy sculpting” on the theme of life by Ikeda Hosai hanging on the wall, the splendor of life is expressed in every detail, from furnishings through the interior space to the garden. The beauty of nature outside and the artistry inside allow everyone to fully relax or enjoy gatherings.


一階 和室13.5帖 和室8帖 二階 和室11帖 和室8帖 浴室ひのき風呂(沸かし湯)
艶麗なその姿が美人にたとえられる芙蓉の花のイメージのままに、曲線を多用した優雅で繊細なしつらいの奥行きが、やさしさをたたえたる空間。 庭は一転して勇壮。繊細さと豪放さ、その鮮やかな対比を心ゆくまで堪能したい。

This villa was named and designed in the enchanting image of a cotton rose, often likened to the image of a beautiful lady. The elegantly detailed furnishings and the use of curved lines create a space that emanates gracefulness. In contrast, the garden is gallant and handsome. This vivid integration of contrasting principles touches one’s heart.
2023.8 Bedroom x 2 beds installed.


一階 和室14.5帖 和室7.5帖 二階 和室11帖 和室6帖 浴室ひのき風呂(沸かし湯)
茶の湯の数寄者たちが磨き上げてきた京の数寄屋の風情が息づく素材に贅をつくした空間。 天井の細工、明かり窓の曲線、雲雀棚の繊細さなどに、複雑であればあるほど、単純に見せる宮大工の技が光る。

The extravagance of the materials animates this exquisite Kyoto-style sukiya architecture, refined through the sensibilities of tea ceremony fanciers. The fine workmanship on the ceiling, the curved lines of the skylight sash, the delicate work on the traditional shelving, and other details indicate the eloquent mastery of carpentry techniques that express simplicity through complexity.
2023.8 Bedroom x 2 beds installed.


一階 和室17帖 和室5帖 舞台 二階 和室10.5帖 和室8帖 浴室ひのき風呂(沸かし湯)ここ福禄寿は唯一座敷に舞台をしつらえ、ひときわ賑やかな集いの時を演出する空間。舞台の壁面には「寿」の文字が百の書体で刻まれ、百禄、寿福のめでたさが座を包む趣向。 酔いしれるひととき、ふと眺める庭先には静謐な闇が舞い降りている。

This is the only villa with a small stage for performances at seated gatherings. On the wall behind the stage, the character for “kotobuki” is engraved in 100 styles of calligraphy. Symbolizing blessings, long life, and good fortune, this character sets the tone of this room. As a haze descends from drinking, so too does a serene darkness fall over the garden outside.


一階 和室13帖 和室7.5帖 二階 和室8帖 寝室(ツインルーム) 浴室ひのき風呂(沸かし湯)天井から降る光にやわらぐ玄関で、まず出会うのは穐月明氏の水墨画「福神同唾図」。さらに主座敷の床の間の間には橋本関雪の筆なる山水の軸。明るくほの暗くい空間の随所に、有田焼の名品がおしげもなく配される。

Soft light from above falls upon a traditionally themed ink painting by Akizuki Akira, the first sight to greet you upon entering. In the tokonoma (alcove) of the main sitting room hangs a scroll painted by the famous painter Hashimoto Kansetsu. Around the subtly lit room, various rare pieces of Aritayaki pottery are on display.